Author Archives: Alon Popilskis

Using Social Commerce To Boost Online Sales

Is Your Brand at Risk of Missing the Social Commerce Revolution?

Establishing a business presence on social media has become a primary focus for companies large and small across practically every industry in existence. …
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Loss aversion has important implications for businesses when it comes to framing your message for your audience

How to Persuasively Leverage Loss Aversion for Your Company’s Gain

Numerous studies have shown that people are more sensitive to losing what they already have than gaining something of similar value.  This phenomenon,…
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Tell a compelling story to your audience to build your brand

To Tell a Compelling Brand Story, Become Part of Your Customer’s Identity

Every successful company started small, as just an idea in the founder’s head, and then came alive from there.  These are a company’s…
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Keys to Copywriting

Keys to Copywriting: The Devil of Using Details

When developing your company’s marketing and branding materials, one of the most common challenges is how detailed you should make your creative.  After…
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