Author Archives: Alon Popilskis

The top reputation management strategy for your brand

Why Building an Engaged Online Audience is the Best Reputation Management Strategy

Most companies think of managing their online reputation as an active process.  Negative reviews or stories show up about them online and they…
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4 Methods for Tracking Offline Marketing Campaigns

4 Ways to Track Offline Marketing Campaigns

While the amount of marketing and advertising that occurs online is substantial and continues to grow, businesses still make large investments in offline…
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Strategies for local SEO

Developing a Geographic SEO Strategy for Local Businesses

When 60% of local businesses don’t even list their phone number on their website, there’s a good chance that an even larger percentage…
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How to Close a Sale

Close Your Top Prospects with this Fool-Proof Script

One of the key transition points of the sales process for businesses is closing warm leads and converting them into customers.  Your business…
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