Author Archives: Alon Popilskis

Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing Your Content: 5 Creative Ways to Get More Mileage Out of Your Message

Over half of all businesses engaging in content marketing, small and large, say producing enough content is a challenge. It takes a lot…
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Is Your Brand Using the Most Effective Social Networks for its Message and Audience?

While most businesses have realized that they can grow their revenues by investing in social media marketing, unless you’re going to outsource the…
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Are Retargeting Ads the Future of Online Advertising?

Twitter made headlines in recent months after announcing that it’s going to support retargeting ads. Following Facebook’s lead, Twitter will experiment with using…
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Optimize Your Search Results for Clicks, Not Just Rank

Ask yourself a seemingly obvious question: What is the purpose of Search Engine Optimization?  The gut reaction of most people is that SEO…
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