Author Archives: Alon Popilskis

Using a press release as part of your online reputation management

How Press Releases can Help with Online Reputation Management

Press releases are starting to earn a reputation of being over-the-hill; an outbound communications tactic that journalists ignore and that many marketers believe…
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How to Get More of Your Best Customers with an Ideal Client Profile

One of the golden rules of marketing is: It’s always cheaper and easier to sell more to an existing customer than it is…
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SEO Benefits Social Media

The SEO Benefits of Social Media

Most businesses tend to think of their social media marketing efforts in somewhat of a vacuum.  They focus on the number of followers…
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Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Blog Posts

4 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Blog Posts

Over 80% of consumers enjoy reading relevant content, like blog posts, from a brand with which they identify. It allows them to further…
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