Author Archives: Alon Popilskis

The 6 Elements of a Strong Digital Brand

A brand is the identity and personality of a business. It’s more than a company name, and it’s certainly more than the products…
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Build your reputation with these credibility indicators

Keys to Copywriting: Gain Your Audience’s Trust with Credibility Indicators

From a business perspective the purpose of copy essentially boils down to one thing — getting people to believe the message being communicated. …
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Keys to Copywriting: Humanize Statistics Using Analogies

One of the biggest mistakes writers make when developing persuasive copy that uses data to support its points is believing that raw numbers…
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The Beginner’s Guide To Brand Positioning in 4 Steps

Business and marketing professionals will frequently throw around the term "Positioning" during meetings, pitches, and branding sessions.  However if pressed for a definition,…
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