Author Archives: Alon Popilskis

Newsjacking: What it is and How to Use it to Boost Traffic

Newsjacking is the practice of capitalizing on the popularity of a news story to generate media attention for yourself or your business. A…
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How Your Brand Can Capitalize on the Shift toward Visual Content in 2014

How Your Brand Can Capitalize on the Shift toward Visual Content

One of the biggest social media trends projected for 2014 is the rise of visual content. Image-based updates have up to 600-timeshigher engagement…
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Boost Revenues By Retargeting Existing Customers

Boost Revenues for Less by Retargeting Existing Customers in 3 Easy Steps

One of the laws of business is that it’s always more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to sell more…
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5 tips for how to get more business from conferences and networking events:

5 Tips for How to Get More Business from Conferences and Networking Events

Attending conferences and expos on behalf of your company is often an expensive undertaking.  Between admission to the trade show, materials for your…
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