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A Step-By-Step Guide to Performing Your First A/B Test

Also known as split testing, A/B testing is an experiment where you create two different versions of the same piece of content to…
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3 Approaches to Hacking Your Company’s Growth and Boosting Profits

The term “Growth Hacking” has become popular in recent years as companies like Uber, Facebook, and Airbnb have built massive followings, profits, and…
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Combine These Two Advanced Positioning Strategies to Successfully Market a Disruptive Businesses

Most companies dream of being the first product to their market, with no competition to speak of. This is especially true in the…
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Lady Gaga at Keynote 2014

Making Your Own Marketplace: Return on Ideas as Investments

ROI, Return on Investment, “The Bottom Line,” the driving force behind business, and always at the forefront of any strategy or model. The…
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